Have you seen that Ford is supposedly stopping all production of new Ford Mustangs because they can’t get the Chips needed to run the car’s computers? That’s the story. Have you seen the price of lumber and metal lately? The housing market has got to be feeling the pain.
The same goes for firearms and ammunition. There are no primers to make ammunition or that’s the story. Manufacturers initially told us it would be the middle of 2021 before we see some type of normalcy with ammo on the shelves. We are there and there isn’t much change. Now most of them are saying it could be 2 years, so we are looking at 2023. Reason is supply and demand. Based on notifications we get from the ATF, there have been record setting purchases of firearms every month in 2021, which means those new buyers are also buying ammunition. Because we all know that having a firearm without ammunition is called a rock. Rocks are cheaper too. Most dealers are trying to hold some ammo back for buyers of firearms which makes it tougher to find. Prices have shot through the roof but may be settling down some.
So, why no new firearms or at least so few new firearms? I can only speak specifically about Akila Tactical & Concealed but we are direct with several firearms distributors including RSRGroup, Lipsey’s, Davidsons, Rock River Arms and Wilson Combat. I check multiple times per week on most of those webpages and all I ever see on the In Stock search is a big fat ZERO. Handguns 0 available. Shotguns 0 available. Rifles 0…, you get the point. Once in a while, I will see a few firearms available but they are typically those that no one wants to buy or those that most of us can’t afford. How many people want to pay $2500 and up for a firearm? There are those who do and we appreciate them but most do not. But again, Why?
I have talked several times with my Sales Rep at Rock River Arms and am repeatedly told they can’t get the raw materials to make parts. No barrels. No lowers. Back in Aug 2020, I was told to expect a 90-120 day wait. Now that wait on “regular” guns is 8 months. On specialty firearms, like AR-9’s, I’m being told indefinite wait periods. I feel it too, I’m still waiting on a AR-9 I ordered in June of 2020. Don’t get me wrong, I’m far from upset with RRA, they are amazing and working their butts off to get guns out the door, the demand is just too high.
So when you go to your local gun shop or check our webpage and don’t see any new guns in stock, that would be the reason why. High increase in purchases. No raw materials. No guns in stock at distributors. There are a few out there and honestly I’m getting most of my firearms right now from auctions. Used guns are the premium right now and when you can find a good one, get it because it won’t be there long. I’ve seen Dealers buy Used Glocks at auctions for $675 and up, seems plastic has gone up too. Some people are willing to pay top dollar for what they want.
I hope this helps explain some of the lack of inventory right now. Akila Tactical and Concealed is doing what we can to keep some type of inventory in stock but if you’re looking for a brand new Glock, good luck. Stay safe and always ready!